Indian Navy Entry

Looking to Join Indian Navy? Here is a List of Our Guides for Different Naval Entry Scheme you can choose to Join Indian Navy

Guides of Various Indian Navy Entries

• National Defence Academy (NDA/NA)
• 10+2 Btech Entry Scheme
• Indian Navy NCC Special Entry Scheme
• Combined Defence Services Exam (CDSE)
• Indian Navy SSC Officer
• SSC Executive Branch (Sports and Law)
• SSC Technical Branch (Naval Constructor)
• SSC Information Technology

Complete List of Indian Navy Entries (Officer and OR)

Sl No.Type of entry   Education qualification  Age  limit   Selection procedure  Physical  measurement   
1NDA – national defence academy
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10 ,+2 equivalent with maths , physics   16 .5 to 19   Written ,SSB ,medical   H:157  W:45  C:81  
2Indian navel academy {ezhimala}
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10 +2 equivalent with maths  , physics   16 .5 to 19  SSB , written exam   H:152,155,157  W:42.5, 45  C :81  
3Indian navel academy (ezhimala )  Graduate  19 to 22  SSB,written exam   Male  H :162  W:50  C :81  Female   H:156  W:50  C: 76  
4Indian navel academy  10 ,+2   19 to 24   SSB,written exam   H :162  W:45  C :81  
5Pc navel armament inspection centre  BE/Btech degree in electronics /elect /mech engg or post Graduate degree in electronic or physics  19.5 to 25   SSB , interview ,written exam , medical   H :162  W:50  C :81  
6Pc law     A degree in law qualification for enrolment as an advocate under the  advocate act 1961 with minimum 55% mark  22 to 27   Candidate need more than 55% in their result ,SSB interview,  medical test     H :167  W:50  C :81  
7Pc logistics cadre  At first degree in B com/ M com /MA economics)/BA economics)/MBA/BBA/BBM/MCA/BCA /BSC  (IT )/BTech /BE (any discipline including civil  engineering)/B Architecture/ICWA/chartere d Accountancy /A Graduate degree with post graduate/degree in materials management with minimum 60%aggregate mark from a recognise university  19.5 to 25   SSB , medical , written exam   H :167  W:50  C :81  
8SSC executive general service  B.E/B. Tech ( any discipline )with 60% mark  19.5 to 25  CGL selection process  mark or score based in computer examination .  H :165  W:50  C :81  
9SSC hydrograph y  BSc /MSc with physics & maths with min 55% mark . BE/BTech in any discipline with min 55 % mark . BSc physics & maths holding ncc navel wing c certificate .Graduate /post graduate in op research /quantitation  methods with min 75 % mark .graduate/ post graduate in maths with STAT  or probability with min  75%mark  19.5 to 25  SSB , medical , written test   H :165  W:50  C :81  
10SSC– ATC  1 st class science graduate with physics / maths /electronics /MSc with physics/ maths/ electronic with min 55 %mark  19.5 to 25  Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by a Preliminary Screening Board constituted by IHQ-MoD(N) .   (SSB) interviews  H :167  W:55  C :81  
11Ssc law cadre  A degree in law qualifying for enrolment as an advocate under the advocate act 1961with min  55% mark  22 to 27  Stage I comprises  of Officer Intelligence  Rating (OIR) Test,  Picture  Perception and Discussion Test (PPDT) .    H :167  W:55  C :81  
12Ssc logistic cadre  1 st class degree in BA ( economics ),BCom ,BSc( IT),CA /ICWA,catering technology or BCA/MCA or  B.E/B.Tech in mechanical, Marine ,electrical, electronics ,civil,computer,IT,architectur e ,or graduate with PG  diploma in Material management   19.5 to   25  Women also , Psychological testing,  Group testing and interview.  medical examination    H :167  W:55  C :81  Female   H :157   W:50  
13SSC pilot  BE/ B.Tech in any discipline with minimum 60%mark from a recognized university /intuition with maths physics at 10 +2 level  19 to   23  Indian navy  entrance test   H :167  W:55  C 81  Female     H:156    W:50    C: 76  
14SSB  observation  BE /B.Tech in any discipline with minimum 60 % mark from a recognized university /institution with maths & physics at 10 +2 level  19 to 23  Indian navy entrance test , graduate Women also    Male  H :167  W:55  C :81  Female   H:162  W:50    
15Ssc navel  armament inspection cadre  A degree in electronic/elect  /mech engg or post graduate degree in electronics and physics  19.5 to 25  Intelligence Test,  Picture  Perception and Discussion test conduct  SSB.physcological test also   H :167  W:55  C :81  
16Ssc information technology  BE/B.Tech in computer science /computer engineering/IT or BSC( IT),BCA ,MCA ,MSC  (computer), (computer science )with minimum 50 %mark  19.5 to 25  Intelligence Test,  Picture  Perception and Discussion test. (ii) Stage II  Psychological testing, Group testing and interview.  H :167  W:55  C :81  
1710 +2 BTech cadet entry
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10+2 equivalent with physics chemistry maths (minimum 70%mark in aggregate of PCM ,minimum 50%mark in  english either in 10 th or 12 th class )  16.5 to 19  IHQ of  MoD(Navy)  based on JEE (Main) All India Rank (AIR)/.  H :167  W:55  C :81  
18University entry scheme  
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1 st year and pre final year students of mechanical , marine  ,aeronautical/aerospace ,B architecture,automobile,civil engineering ,navel architecture, industrial and producter,metallurgy ,electrical ,instrumentation and communication, telecommunication ,power electronics ,instrumentation, mechatronics ,control engg with minimum 60%up to VI th semester and IV semister  19.5 to 25-  1st year  19 to 24 – final year  NDA/NA cadet entry and CDSE (Graduate) entry  is through a written examination conducted by UPSC, followed by an interview by the Service Selection Board (SSB).    Male  H :167  W:55   C :81  Female     H:156    W:50    C: 76  
19Short  service  commission ( GS)  
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B.E/B.Tech in any discipline with minimum 60%  19 to 25  Interview, merit based on final selection on SSB interview  H :167  W:55  C :81  
20Short  service commission (submarine  engineering  )  
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BE/BTech in mechanical with minimum 60% mark  19.5 to 25  Interview on SSB , examination mark based on selection   H :167  W:55  C :81  
21Engineering branch cadet entry  10 +2 or equivalent with physics chemistry and maths minimum 70%mark in aggregate of PCM minimum 50 % mark in english either in 10 th or 12 th .  16.5 to 19  NDA/NA cadet  entry and  CDSE  (Graduate)  through a written exam by UPSC, followed by an interview by the (SSB).  H :167  W:55  C :81  
22Short service  commission  (  engineering )  BE /BTech in naval architecture/ mech / civil /aeronautics /metallurgical /aerospace engg with  60% mark  19.5 to 25  NDA/NA cadet entry and  CDSE  (Graduate) entry is through a written examination conducted by UPSC, followed by an interview  (SSB).  H :167  W:55  C :81  
23University entry  scheme (Ssc  )
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BE /B.Tech in naval architecture/mech / civil/ aeronautical /metallurgical /aerospace /B arch with 60% mark.( women also )  19 to 24  NDA/NA cadet entry and CDSE (Graduate) entry is through a written examination conducted by  UPSC, followed by an interview  (SSB).   H :167  W:55  C :81  
24Permanent  commission  (pc )  BE/ B.Tech in mech /IT computer science with 60 %  mark . in IT  /computer science  /mechanical /meteorology /oceanography /with 60 % mark .Msc maths with physics /MSc physics with maths /operational research /analysis /meteorology /oceanography with 50 % mark and MA english /MA history /MA with 50% mark  21 to 25  intelligence test  ,picture perception and desiccation test , psychological test  H :167  W:54  C :81  
25Short  service  commission  (Ssc )  B.Tech in mech /IT  /computer science with60  %/mark in IT /computer science /metro logy /atmosphere science with 60 %mark .MSC un MSc in physics /operational / 0  /analysis  /meteorology/oceanovraphy /atmospheric   science / maths with 60 % mark  21 to 25  NDA/NA cadet entry and CDSE (Graduate) entry is through a written examination conducted by UPSC, followed by an interview(SSB). H :162  W:50  C :81   
26Special navy architect entry scheme  BE/ Btech in naval architecture with 60 % mark in campus recruitment  21 to 25   Candidates are deputed for SSB interview. After qualifying SSB these candidates undergo medical examination and  if found fit  H :167  W:55  C :81  
27Permanent commission  (pc)  Application must possess medical qualification of an indian university or a foreign medical qualification recoginised by the medical council of India. They must also be registered with any of the state council or equivalent registering authority   Incentives :An antedate of 3 years seniority for post graduate and 2 year for post  graduate diploma recoginised by MCI and 6 month for a house job , done at a recognised hospital to fresh entrants . A doctor who has done a house job and also a post graduate qualification will be eligible for a maximum  antedate seniority of 42 months   45 year s  Selection is held once a year  In July, August at Delhi

Advertisement published in National/regional newspaper In march/april every year

For Details contact DGAFMS, L block , post DHQ, New Delhi 110011.   
H :167  W:54  C :81  
28AFMC cadet (MBBS  course after which commission  is greater in  AMC )  10 +2 with PCB securing not less than 60 % of aggregate marks together not less than  50% in any of these subject .BSc  17 to 22 ,   24  Once a year through written exam on all indian basic followed by an interview at pune.

50% cadet are granted SSC after passing out

Advertisement published in natural regional newspaper in Jan every year  
H:167  W:55  C:81  
29Direct permanent commission  BDS with minimum 60 %mark in final year /MDS from a recoginised collage or university .  Should have complete one year rotation internship recognised by the dental council of India   Should be in possession of permanent certificate  28 for EDS , 30 for  MDS   The NDA  entrance exam  right after class  XI.UPSC exam and a 5-day SSB interview,  medicals  H :167  W:54  C :81  

Best Books to Prepare for Defence Exams

• National Defence Academy (NDA/NA Exam)
• Combined Defence Services Exam (CDSE)
• Service Selection Board (SSB)
• Officer Like Personality Development
• General Knowledge and Current Affairs
• English - Written and Speech

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